Amateur content and social networks
What can we expect from internet users? How can we encourage them to participate on the air? How to edit their content so that it can be broadcast on professional media? The Academy's experts help you find the best information while avoiding the pitfalls of misinformation
- Know social networks and how they work
- Know how to locate the right information for the antenna
- Create your own communities and involve them in your journalistic work
Journalists, Editors-in-Chief.
Introduction to participatory journalism, information verification techniques illustrated by concrete examples and some famous errors.
- X, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr… How to use these tools to monitor current events.
- How to identify good content, good witnesses or experts on these networks.
- Check amateur photos and videos circulating on the internet
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SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Finding the right word has always been an important goal for journalists. This is even more true today with the emergence of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Each word must be chosen carefully so that your written content appears in the first search results carried out by users in the immense ocean of online information.
This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective SEO strategies, particularly for Google.

Launching a participative programme
FRANCE 24 is the first international news channel to have launched a participative programme using amateur images only, developing an original programme with 'The Observers' site as inspiration. The Académie's specialists can help every step of the way – from the programme's initial design to the test or pilot episode.

Storytelling on the internet
Internet has opened the door to new ways of consuming news, combined with new production tools. These tools, often free, give the opportunity to tell the news combining different media and varying time frames.