Interview technique
Led by a journalist from RFI or MCD (depending on the language), this intensive training gives participants the opportunity to thoroughly practise the ever-perilous live interview. After some theoretical input and listening to a few remarkable interviews, participants must prepare and carry out numerous interviews in live conditions, which are then followed by critical listening sessions in group. Afterwards, the trainer provides corrections and personalised advice.
How to carry out an interview
Dealing with a sensitive interviewee
How to cope with all situations
Journalists and radio presenters
The training centres around practical work and theory (role-play, professional situations, practical exercises, group feedback). Use of video to encourage self-evaluation among trainees.
The role of the interviewer
The different types of interviews and ways of asking questions (live, pre-recorded or telephone interviews, TV or radio interviews)
Interview preparation: background information, guest selection, planning an interview, choosing the opening question)
Carrying out the interview: the guest’s behaviour, news context, listening, respecting the plan
Coping with a difficult interview
Time management and dealing with different constraints
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Editing and mixing for radio
With the digitalisation of radio - especially in small radio stations - it is essential that journalists and producers are able to produce a programme. Discover how to produce a professional radio show with technicians from RFI.

Voice training
Substance is essential, but in a radio setting, form is of equal importance. Even the most vital information might not catch the attention of listeners if it is not well delivered. This workshop will enable participants to understand the importance of their voices and how to use them properly. Simple exercises will focus on dictation, speed, breathing, and concentration to improve vocal techniques and efficiency.

Studio operation
This workshop allows technicians and sound operators to improve their operation of studios for broadcasting and radio production. The basics of analogue and digital sound will be dealt with theoretically. Technicians will practise by using studio equipment largely through practical work.