News reports
France 24 reporters are on the ground for every major international event. Learn from their experience, discover reporting techniques, get their tips about saving time while filming, test your professional reflexes in your editorial team and while in the field.
How to plan a news report and determine its angle
How to master on the ground reports and how to draw out the best material
Bringing the setting to life through effective video and audio editing
Making on the ground news reports, personally accompanied in the field by the course leader.
Why is an angle important?
Planning a report and finding contacts
On the ground work and interviewing techniques
How to shoot footage alone
What not to forget before leaving the shooting location
Planning how to edit your report
Audio editing
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Press review
Acknowledging a wide variety of opinions, quoting work by newspaper and online journalists, bringing information or a photo to light are the aims of a press review. Learn how to deliver an informative and original press review by including a variety of media outlets and different points of views with specialists at France 24.

Organising a special edition
Whether it’s a plane crash, a deadly attack, or an election, a number of events - foreseen or not - warrant changing a segment and organising a special edition in a studio or in the field. Senior producers and news editors at France 24 will teach you how to anticipate events, manage logistics and give a full account of events.

To give credibility to their work, broadcasters often report in the field - on the frontline, in the middle of a protest or at the site of a disaster. France 24 will share with you several rules about the content and form of special reports that must be respected to ensure that on-the-ground reports are appropriate.