The Académie trains 16 Ukrainian journalists in Romania

The Académie trains 16 Ukrainian journalists in Romania


All summer, from July 11 to August 26, the Académie organized the training of 16 Ukrainian journalists who will constitute the new RFI editorial staff based in Bucharest (Romania) and which will produce web and social media content in Ukrainian and Russian starting the end of September.

11 journalists based in Bucharest and 5 who remained in Ukraine followed 7 weeks of intensive training face-to-face and remotely (fact checking, security, writing, editing, social networks, technical tools, etc.). Coordinated on site by Antoine Cormery with Rachel Locatelli, the program mobilized in particular at FMM Claire Wissing, Elena Volochine, Poline Tchoubar, Gulliver Cragg, Katherine Lyngso, Elsa Vidal, Dimitri Gusev, Kseniya Zhornokley, Bärbel Moser with the technical support of the teams of RFI Romania.
