

"I highly recommend Académie France 24's training programs to any journalist looking to enhance their skills.”

Akramjon Fozilov

Director of The Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media

Uzbekistan - 2024

Initial context

“Our decision to partner with the Académie stemmed from its unparalleled reputation for journalistic excellence and its unique pedagogical approach, which emphasizes hands-on, practical learning. The TV debate training, held in Tashkent, was meticulously tailored to the needs of our Uzbek journalists, focusing on the nuances of TV debates, interview techniques and debate moderation.“

Knowledge transformation and application

“The hands-on exercises, especially the studio sessions, were a highlight. They provided a real-world simulation, allowing us to put the theory into practice and receive valuable feedback. The Uzbek journalists who participated were enthusiastic and engaged, and I believe they all benefited significantly from the trainer’s guidance.“

Results and impacts

“The feedback from our journalists has been overwhelmingly positive. They were particularly impressed by the trainer’s expertise, his engaging teaching style and the invaluable insights he shared from his extensive experience. The training has significantly enhanced their skills and confidence, and we are already seeing the positive impact in our television programs.“